How to make money with cryptocurrency
Mintos is a member of the national investor compensation scheme established under EU Directive 97/9/EC. The scheme protects investors by providing compensation if Mintos fails to return financial instruments or cash to investors. The maximum compensation an investor can claim under the scheme is 90% of their net loss, up to a maximum of €20 000.
This is a marketing communication and in no way should be viewed as investment research, investment advice, or recommendation to invest. The value of your investment can go up as well as down. Past performance of financial instruments does not guarantee future returns. Investing in financial instruments involves risk; before investing, consider your knowledge, experience, financial situation, and investment objectives.Mintos does not offer investments in cryptocurrencies.
Today there’s an explosion of technological development going on, making it easier to use different cryptos for everyday payments, and new trends like non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralised finance (DeFi). So, it’s highly likely that cryptocurrencies will play a significant role in your future financial life, one way or another.
Top 10 cryptocurrency
IOTA is in tegenstelling tot vele andere cryptocurrencies niet gericht op de plek van de Bitcoin innemen. Door een andere insteek, maakt dit deze munt meer flexibel. De cryptocurrency van IOTA is gericht op de Internet-of-Things. Dit betekend dat slimme gadgets, bijvoorbeeld in je huis, met elkaar in verbinding staan. De gadgets worden in waarde en informatie met elkaar uitgewisseld, zonder mogelijkheid tot hacken van het systeem aldus de ontwikkelaars. Wat het tot een potentiële topper maakt, naast de privacy van de gebruikers en de oneindige schaalbaarheid. De populariteit is enorm gestegen, wat dan ook een marktwaarde van maar liefst acht miljard euro oplevert. Bekijk de koers van IOTA
Tether is de crypto variant van de Amerikaanse Dollar. De afkorting zegt het eigenlijk al. USDT staat namelijk voor United States Dollar Tether. Het is een zeer stabiele munt en is daarmee een unicum in de wilde wereld van de sterk fluctuerende waardes. Dat is nou precies de kracht van Tether. Veel handelaren gebruiken Tether als wisselvaluta. Wil je jouw geld even veilig wegzetten, bijvoorbeeld omdat er sprake is van sterke dalingen of je even een handelspauze inlast? Kies dan voor USDT. De munt volgt ook de koers van de ‘echte’ Dollar.
BNB use to use the Ethereum blockchain but now instead uses the Binance blockchain. BNB was created in 2017 and has wide uses today. Most commonly, it is used for payments and transaction fees on Binance. Like many other coins, BNB is centralized.
Tether’s price is tied directly to the U.S. dollar because the developers claim to hold one U.S. dollar (or an equivalent) for every circulating USDT. This system allows users to more easily make transfers from other cryptocurrencies back to U.S. dollars in a more timely manner than actually converting to standard currency.
Bitcoin door de grens van 100.000 euro? Analisten verwachten dat het in 2024 eindelijk zo ver is. Ook voorzien zij dat deze mooie prijs in 2026 verdubbeld zal zijn. Lees hier de uitgebreide bitcoin verwachting.
Colorado pastor cryptocurrency
A Colorado pastor of an online church is challenging allegations that he and his wife defrauded parishioners out of millions dollars through the sale of cryptocurrency deemed “essentially worthless” by state securities regulators.
In the court hearing Regalado missed on Monday, Goldberg ruled that state regulators can continue to freeze the Regaloados’ accounts, along with those of their companies and church, BusinessDen reported. He also barred the local couple from selling their cryptocurrency or other investments in Colorado.
Colorado Securities Commissioner (CSC) Tung Chan filed civil fraud charges against Eligo and Kaitlyn Regalado last week in Denver District Court, according to a statement from the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. The complaint accuses the Regalados of targeting members of the state’s Christian community, enriching themselves by promoting a cryptocurrency token that the Denver couple launched called the INDXcoin.
After months of prayers and cues from God, he was going to start selling cryptocurrency, he announced in a YouTube video last April. The Signature and Silvergate banks had collapsed weeks earlier, signaling the need to look into other investment options beyond financial institutions, he said. With divine wisdom, he said, he was “setting the rails for God’s wealth transfer.”